Life's Trials and MMS … Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Spirituality

I have not written in a while. I have been on another journey to self. I am like everyone else, I have my good days and my bad days. The difference is I accept the bad days. I allow them to come and go and know and believe that everything will be ok. Each bad day leads to a deeper knowing of self.

I have known for a long time that life goes deeper than we could ever imagine, and I know that a lot is hidden from us.

I have been learning about the 12 strands of DNA, if they were all activated then we would be amazing people, not that we are not amazing anyway, we would be ‘whole’. We are amazing creatures, with the capacity to love so much and be so honest and respectful. A society was created and we leant to separate ourselves as countries, races, gender, age and we even managed to segregate ourselves from animals. We created the world we live in through our collective consciousness. The only way we can heal it is through that same collective consciousness.

We beat ourselves up emotionally and we have little or no emotional intelligence as a world. That is not saying that many individuals do not have emotional intelligence because there are many, but as a whole, we separate and divide rather love and come together. We have of course been programmed to do this through media, music and films and not to forget schools.

We as humans make mistakes but we have been taught to feel guilty forever. To carry our sins and never forgive ourselves. But that is just silly. The point of mistakes is to learn, we must have lessons so that we can go on and learn and grow as a spiritual being, regardless of what form that takes. We need mistakes and we to understand that really, mistakes are just lessons. We need to take the lesson, look at it truthfully and feel the emotions and then forgive ourselves and move on.

When a friend comes to us and tell us they have made a mistake, we do not sit there and say ‘Oh my god, your horrible, how could you do that. You just have to feel bad about that every day and I will remind you of how horrible you are. Every time you have a laugh or do something you enjoy I will remind you how horrible you are because of what you did’… Ok so you get my point?

What we would do is see our friends model of the world and try to understand why they did it, we would help then see many reasons why they may have done it, because we love them. We allow them to talk it through and we feel for them and maybe hug them or hold a hand. Yet to our own selves we throw abuse. Self talk is so important.

We have to love ourselves, not in an ego way, but in a way that allows you to treat yourself with so much love and respect. We show this by giving ourselves a nice talking to, a decent partner, loving home, a joyful job, decent supportive friends and then that is what you reflect in the world. When you reflect that in the world you are oooozing love and support for others, you help them heal their pain. You need to learn to do that with your self.


I have been well for a while. Then everyone around me got a cold, even people who had not been in contact with each other had the same symptoms as the rest of us who had.

We found that many people on the other side of the world had the same symptoms to and all on the same day…

I am now ill, not like a cold, not like a cough, like something I don’t really know, but I am coughing up yellow mucus and I have had an uncomfortable throat for days.

I believe this is a result of chemtrails. I believe whatever they have been spraying has caused this. MMS works in an instant and helps me cough up what ever I need to clear out so that I can breathe properly. I have no idea how I would cope without MMS.

People need to wake up and start doing their research into chemtrails. It is scary, but it is happening.

Chemtrails are poison that is sprayed into the air for whatever reason we don’t know.

Do your own research there is enough evidence all over the net, plenty of professionals who support the research.

Start here..

WAKE UP…… You NEED to… They are Killing us and it is no joke!!

What do you do when you know the whole world is a farce…?

I keep getting deleted for having my views about conspiracy theories! I post stuff on MY facebook page and people come to moan at me on MY space!!! My neighbour deleted me today. She has been acting funny with me for a while and word on the tiles is that there has been friction between us for some time, although I have been unaware of this. There certainly was no friction from me, that I know of!

She said she found herself looking at my status and reading what I posted, she got scared and said if she continued to take notice of it she may as well be dead!! I understand this feeling, I feel crazy alone sometimes, like no-one gets me over this stuff. She also said that she felt she could not approach me about it, yet I proved her wrong because she was stood there being open and honest, whilst I remained calm and loving to the soul of her.

She said she had been to the doctor and spent the week crying!! PLEASE…. this is not my fault, she had been listening to my conversations with people in my garden over the fence where we cannot see her. Being quiet not to let us hear the door… I live here, I know how muffled the neighbours sound when they talk, she must have been very still and straining to hear!!  So again I have to deal with people being asses. That’s 3 people in less than a week that has decided to do this because of what I post!!

I am a free spirit, I can do as I wish and these people chase me around, reading what I wrote… I have the right to post what I like, say what I like… when I like!!
I am a kind and loving human being, spreading the truth as I know it…. we all have our own truth, no need to attack mine!

I believe the whole world is a farce and the more I learn the scarier it gets, but I know in my gut it is the truth. I have never EVER been wrong on my gut feeling, not ever!

I want to move, but am trapped in a system that seems to own my ass! I don’t know what I am meant to do or how I am meant to do it. I know the answer is out there though! I know it!

I love the world in which we live and I KNOW we can somehow find a way to live in peace all over the world, I just don’t have the answers!! Someone must!

I must be honest, I do still have some problems in understanding MMS. I have done so much research and I do enjoy reading about it. I used to get up and wait an hour before I took my MMS, every morning I would wake up needing so badly to breathe ok, so I would take my inhaler again and again. Now I get up and I take MMS straight away, no need for the inhaler.  The last few days I have had symptoms of a nose cold, although I know I don’t really have a cold. I have shifted so much phlegm and snot it is unreal… no seriously… my body was in a bad way. It is only now in week 7 of taking MMS that I realise how ill I used to be before taking MMS.  The aches and pains, the spots, the coughing, the blocked nose, the allergies, the slumped feeling I would have 24 hours a day. Now I feel alive, awake, my skin has had many compliments, I can feel the healing going on in my body… I feel great.

I currently take 3 drops every hour for 8 hours.

I hope people see how great MMS is and do their own research.  I FEEL ALIVE!

I thought I would post another update about  MMS.

My chest has been so tight and lots of coughing the last week. Last night I got a sore throat, and it is still there today, but there seems to be a real shift in my chest. I did take a hayfever tablet today, but that is because I don’t want an itchy throat when it is already sore.

I must say though that most other physical issues are gone. My rough skin at top of arms and legs has gone. I no longer have pain in my finger joints.  My back ache is eased an awful lot. I am now taking 3 drops every hour for 8 hours to clear my chest up. I feel it has worked wonders for the 6 weeks I have taken it. Jim Humble states that things get worse before they get better. I believe in my core that this asthma will go, I just feel it.

My friend Mark has now brought his own and my partner has started to take it as well.

Mark has very little arthritic pain in his hands and continues to do Clara’s 6 & 6 mixture. My partner is taking it for a cyst in his hip joint.  He had a lot of diarrhea  for the first 48 hours, but this is normal. He is feeling brighter but tired, this is normal to.

We have ordered more MMS, we got it from, the order was here the next day, even though it was sometime AFTER lunch that I ordered it, so that was impressive. You also get a booklet that is worth reading, and passing on.  I passed mine on,so others can see what I am raving about.

I just suggest you do your OWN RESEARCH… the internet is at your fingers and there is plenty of truth out there.

My dear friend Mark is 41 years old and spent years abusing Speed (amphetamine). They say you should never counsel your friends, but I took on the role of life coach for Mark 18 months ago when he was completely lost. We agreed that what was said in the session, stayed in the session. The first few months were so hard for Mark, he fought all the way, physically digging his heals into the ground as we dealt with subjects that he did not want to deal with, but he did it and he did it well. Since healing his past emotional pain, he looked to healing his body from the years of abuse it had suffered from his drug addiction. An addiction he finally kicked when he healed his emotions.

He is a builder by trade and would often do speed and stay up and awake on it for days and weeks at a time.When it took his toll on his body it came in the form of arthritis. His emotions certainly contributed to the amount of pain he was in. The pain eased in places as he emotionally got well, but now he was left with the real hard core damage he had done to his body from the drugs and the physical building work he would never have managed to do without the drugs. He would work hard and longer than anyone else.

He is currently building a new garden for our friend, his work is amazing, but physically challenging to his arthritis and now drug free he has nothing to keep him going when the pain gets to much.

Well, he has watched me go from using my inhailer some 50+ times a day to using it just once or twice. he has seen me hold and stroke animals that once upon a time I could go no-where near. So today he came over in so much pain, pain in his hand. mainly his thumb and down to his wrist. He was in agony and said it hurt so much he could cry. He rated the pain a 9.

So we tried Clara’s 6+6 method… after an hour he said it felt much better. After the second dose and another hour later he was amazed. his pain had gone from a 9 to a 3. He could even turn the top part of his body around, as though to look behind him, he could not do this when he arrives. In 2 hours the result and proof was there. So I am taking my MMS and with no spare bottles we are going to his house first thing to give the next dose and so on, twice a day every day until he gets paid and he can buy his own.

I am so grateful that he trusted me and I am so grateful that he trusted MMS, Thankyou Jim Humble.

On the 9th April I started taking MMS. I have been taking 3 drops every 2 hours. As I have got better I have got slack and have sometimes missed hours of taking it. Well the last 4 days my asthma has got a lot worse and I have been coughing a lot of mucus up. Today I decided to get with the programme and I am taking 2 drops every hour. I have done some more research and found that it does not matter how or when I take it, it matters that I take it.

So then I found this….

and now I know I am doing the right thing, staying on track with it and I also know it may take a lot longer yet!! I am prepared for that! I cannot wait to heal from this, I know I will.

As always I will keep you updated, I am sticking with the hourly at the moment, I want this crap off my chest!!

Well as I mentioned I joined Macmillan, I followed the rules and did what I was meant to and yet today I got booted!!

In this country, this WORLD we are MADE to be quiet when we speak the truth.

MMS is that powerful that it is banned in Canada (so I read online yesterday… ) and soon in USA with the Codex coming into play!!

Just do your own research and if you have terminal cancer… this will help you, Chemo and radiotherapy will kill you quicker!! Learn to see what is going on around you!! Freedom does not exist unless we demand it!!

I believe that when we learn something new that can help others, then it is our job to pay it forward and tell others, so in turn they get the same help you we just got, if they need it of course.

Well, I get laughed at, people even get angry with me, but I have to speak the truth. My friend with HIV is almost mad at me because I told him about MMS. I mean to say.. I know what I am talking about, only I know my illness and only I know how quickly I have got well. I am in my 4th week and I am AMAZINGLY better, it blows my mind. I have read so many stories about people who have healed, no-one has anything negative to say except for the young man who only took it for 13 days!!!!!

I joined Macmillan cancer site today, I have lost people through cancer, I am not a hoax, I am someone who NEEDS people to know they have other choices than what the WHO and the Doctors say. There are other ways. If people would just LOOK  into this, just one hour out of their lives to search MMS, then SO many people would buy it.

It is VERY cheap… £26 inc postage for 2 months supply! And the most amazing things is by the end of day one you start to feel better.

My asthma is better. My allergies have GONE, 20 years of dreading every season because I was allergic to Cats, Dogs, Dust, Evergreens and grass. Now I can hold my friends fluffy cat and NOTHING!! Can walk through my friends farm, NOTHING. Can sit in cut grass NOTHING! I have NO allergies, not even to dust!

My sinus infection that I had for months GONE. My painful Bronchial no longer hurt. I have more energy, my headaches have gone! My dull ache in my ear that I had for 4 months GONE!!

Pain is easing in my joints.  My skin is clearing up, I am 38 years old and have awful spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But my skin is clearing up!

I just feel so helpless sometimes to help people, but this is one thing I know I can tell others about and the choice is then theirs!


Just a short update…

I tried this breathing in Method today, (see link below)… I have done it twice and I feel a whole lot better in my bronchial… Will do it twice tomorrow as well.

This is so exciting. I know only I know what is happening in my body due to MMS, but others around me have noticed the difference as I do not have an inhaler in my hand all the time. I woke at 4.30am last night coughing. That’s what made me do the breathing in of the MMS, also over the last few nights I have taken it just before going to bed.

I normally take 3 drops a day every 2 hours for 10 hours (5 times), then I have the evening off and then take another lot about  half hour before bed.

When following the breathing in of MMS please read this THOROUGHLY …

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  • Maria Maloney: Thank you for your post Kat. It's really appreciated. Many of our full length documentaries are also available to view free online directly from our w
  • rex: chemtrails are sprayed by the military satanists to kill you.(slow kill) watch tim rifat on you tube its blood ritual and pop reduction
  • pienmash: Thank you for your support Kat. We have now made a number of our activist films available FREE online. Our latest feature-length documentaries can be